- Effingham 2050 Comprehensive Plan public focus group on housing and business development: Thursday, February 20 @ 5:30 p.m. at City Hall. For the agenda and more information: Public Focus Group Info. Come be a part of the future of Effingham!

Public hearing

JanJanuary 9 2024

6:00pm City Council Chambers

201 E. Jefferson Ave., Effingham, IL 62401

Notice of public hearing

Special use permit – East of Tegeler Street between Stevens Avenue and McGrath Avenue

Notice is hereby given that the City Plan Commission of the City of Effingham, Illinois, will hold a public hearing on January 9, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 1st Floor, City Hall, located at 201 East Jefferson Avenue, in the City of Effingham, Illinois, at which time and place all interested persons may participate in the Public Hearing by presenting testimony for or against and ask questions on a petition requesting a Special Use Permit for a “Solar Energy System in a NU Non-Urban District, M-1 Light Industrial District, or M-2 Heavy Industrial District.” per paragraph 43, Article 26 of Appendix B (Zoning Ordinance No. 44-89) of the City of Effingham Municipal Code, more specifically a Small Solar Energy System with a Solar Collector Surface area greater than 100,000 square feet as an Accessory Use on real estate described as follows, to-wit:

PETITIONER(S):                                   Donato Solar – Effingham LLC, by Anthony Donato, Manager

OWNER(S):                                          IAG Investments LLC – Effingham, by Anthony Donato, Manager

ADDRESS / LOCATION:                        East of Tegeler Street between Stevens Avenue and McGrath Avenue

PROPERTY INDEX NUMBER (PIN):      03-11-032-149

REQUESTING:                                      Special Use Permit (43) “Solar Energy System in a NU Non-Urban District, M-1 Light Industrial District, or M-2 Heavy Industrial District”, more specifically a Small Solar Energy System with a Solar Collector Surface area greater than 100,000 square feet as an Accessory Use.

Dated:  December 15, 2023



Project Map

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