Effingham 2050 Comprehensive Plan public focus group. Thursday, January 16 @ 5:30 p.m. - City Hall. For more information: Public Focus Group Info. We hope you will attend and share your ideas and questions!

Public Hearing

NovNovember 14 2023

6:00pm - 6:30pm City Council Chambers

201 E. Jefferson Ave., Effingham, IL 62401

Petition to vacate a portion of an alley

E/W Alley from Cherry St. to Mulberry St. – South of Fayette Ave.

Notice is hereby given that the City Plan Commission of the City of Effingham, Illinois, will hold a public hearing on November 14, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 1st Floor, City Hall, located at 201 East Jefferson Avenue, in the City of Effingham, Illinois, at which time and place all interested persons may participate in the Public Hearing by presenting testimony for or against and ask questions on a petition to vacate and to extinguish the dedications and rights of way, pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-91-1, for a portion of an E/W Alley from Cherry Street to Mulberry Street – South of Fayette Avenue.

The alley to be vacated is described as follows, to-wit:

All that part of the 20 feet wide alley running East and West between Lots 3, 4 and 5 (803 to 809 W. Fayette Avenue) on the North side and Lots 8, 9 and 10 (804 to 806 W. Edgar Avenue) on the South side in Block 1 of Addition “C” to Western Addition to the City of Effingham as recorded in Deed Book Y, Page 415 in the Recorder’s Office of Effingham County, Illinois, situated in the City of Effingham, County of Effingham, State of Illinois.

PETITIONER:    Andes Limited Partnership

Dated: October 25, 2023



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