Do I need a permit to operate a mobile food service establishment, like a food truck?
Yes. You are required to get a mobile food establishment permit from the fire department.
Yes. You are required to get a mobile food establishment permit from the fire department.
If you think there is a carbon monoxide leak in your home, call 9-1-1. The Effingham Fire Department will be dispatched to test for a leak.
Contact the Effingham County Health Department at 217-342-9237.
Lead service lines were banned by Congress in 1986, but we believe there may be a few lead lines still in use. If your property had water service before 1987, you could have a lead service line. Find out if your water line is made from lead.
We provide clean, safe drinking water to our residents and businesses. View water quality reports.
The main hospital serving Effingham is St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital. It’s located at 503 N Maple Street, northeast of downtown.