- Effingham 2050 Comprehensive Plan public focus group on housing and business development: Thursday, February 20 @ 5:30 p.m. at City Hall. For the agenda and more information: Public Focus Group Info. Come be a part of the future of Effingham!

FAQ Topic: Transportation

How do I register my bicycle?

As a service, Effingham Police Department registers bicycles for free for anyone living in the City of Effingham. To register, bring your bicycle to the police department at 110 S. 3rd Street any weekday.

Where is my nearest DMV?

DMV services are available through the Effingham Illinois Secretary of State Facility. Their local office is at 1901 South Fourth Street, Suite 2, across the street from Hendelmeyer Park.

How do I find my bus route or schedule?

Public transit is provided by Effingham County Public Transportation. Learn more about the Etrax route and schedule. For rides, call 1-855-755-2478. You should schedule at least one working day in advance but same day service is usually available.

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