How do I request a fire incident report?
You can request a fire incident report online for structure fires or vehicle fires.
You can request a fire incident report online for structure fires or vehicle fires.
To see if your lost item has been turned in: Email Steve Fehrenbacher at the Effingham Police Department, or Call 217-347-0774 extension 5321
Crime in Illinois Annual Uniform Crime Reports, published by Illinois State Police, include past crime statistics for Effingham. For the most recent crime statistics: Email Sandi Rich, or Call 217-347-0774 extension 5326
You can request police records in multiple ways: Online By email In-person at the Police Department, 110 S. 3rd Street By fax to 217-342-5345
If this is an emergency, call 911. If this is not an emergency: Call the non-emergency line at 217-347-0774 to have a police officer respond to your location Report the incident in person at the Effingham Police Department, 110 S. 3rd Street
You can get a copy of your crash report online. For help, call the Quicket support line at 312-313-1231 or email them at For step-by-step details, please check out the instructions found on our crash report page.
If this is an emergency, call 911. If this is not an emergency, there are 2 ways you can file a police report: Call the non-emergency line at 217-347-0774 and a police officer will respond to your location Report the incident in person at the Effingham Police Department, 110 S. 3rd Street