- Effingham 2050 Comprehensive Plan public focus group on housing and business development: Thursday, February 20 @ 5:30 p.m. at City Hall. For the agenda and more information: Public Focus Group Info. Come be a part of the future of Effingham!

About the Public Works department

What we do

  • Maintain public infrastructure
  • Support residential and economic development
  • Prepare the annual capital improvement plan and budget
  • Review and issue permits
  • Ensure compliance with regulations and safety standards
  • Review and update water and sewer rates


The mission of the Public Works Department is to efficiently manage the operations and maintenance of public infrastructure and support residential and economic development growth within the City.


Building and Zoning

The Building and Zoning division issues permits and enforces building safety regulations. This includes permits for private homes, subdivisions, and commercial development.


The Engineering division oversee public infrastructure improvements, including:

  • Street maintenance and resurfacing
  • Sewers and water lines
  • Public buildings and facilities

They also issue permits for utility providers and construction in the right of way.

We maintain maps and geographic information for City services including streets, water lines, sewers, and floodplains.

Public Property

The Public Property division oversees and maintains all public property in Effingham, including:

  • City-owned buildings
  • Bliss Park
  • Oak Ridge cemetery

We also support City events and maintain the City’s fleet of vehicles.


The Sewer division is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the City's public sanitary sewers and treatment facility. This includes:

  • Maintaining sewer lines, manholes, and lift stations
  • Inspecting and cleaning public sewer lines
  • Locating sewer lines and underground utilities
  • Operating and maintaining the wastewater treatment plant


The Street division is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the City's streets. This includes:

  • Installing and repairing of sidewalks, curbs, and gutters
  • Maintaining storm sewers and drains
  • Cleaning and sweeping streets
  • Maintaining trees and grass in the public right of way
  • Installing street signs and traffic control lights
  • Plowing snow


The Water division is responsible for the treatment and distribution of clean, safe, drinking water to the residents and businesses of Effingham.

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